Am I shoe that brings a blessings or blisters? Ask yourself that question. “Am I a blessing or a blister?” What’s it like being my mother, father, sister, brother. What’s it like being my coworker? What’s it like being my friend? What’s it like being the Pastor of this member? What’s it like being my student? In other words, fill in the blank: What’s it like being my____________? Most importantly what’s it like being a Heavenly Father to this child?

Blister- go around being ugly and hurting people
Blessing- go around being nice to people and making them happy

Proverbs 14:1 (Amplified version)
1EVERY WISE woman builds her house, but the foolish one tears it down with her own hands
Wise= fears and reverences the Lord

Wise Foolish
Intentionally builds the house making the entire household thrive Does not build but rather tears down
Desires for the family Lack of interest for the family
Cares for the home causing it to flourish and become a haven to those who live there Destroys the home by own efforts
Makes wise choices in relationships with spouse children, friends and the community Tears down both relationships and possessions
Realizes that building takes time , (process) picture brick set upon brick until a sturdy safe home is constructed Tears down with hands, tongue, and idleness,

The key point to remember is that the plumb line or scoring card is God’s Word. Having the Bible as my mirror, would my shoe box say blessing or blister?